That we are going through difficult times these days, is no news to anybody, ... and how will the world adjust to the new situation Covid19 has brought all of a sudden, is still to be seen.
However, we can all support each other and find ways to collaborate through this restless pandemic.
In my case, being a stray cat and loving to wander the streets of my hometown while chasing for interesting and motivating happenings, it has not been easy to mentally adjust to my home´s four walls around the clock for over one month now.
So, I have been forced to push over different W.A.L.A. phases of acceptance:
1. Wondering
From all the official channels explaining what Covid19 is, and the discrepancy in numbers of affected people around us, I can only conclude that this virus is really serious for our health system, it is also defiant for our governments, and we definitely need to organize, care for each other, and stay home.
2. Assessing
Doing the right assessment of what this means to me, both as a person, and as a professional, has lead me to take some decisions that will affect my confinement experience in full, since I will need to care for my health, my family, my online work, and my home. All at the same time.
3. Learning
Caring for my health has taught me to wash my hands endlessly, keep distance from others, train my legs repeatedly in the dinning-room, eat healthier food, and sleep longer hours - which is the same my family and friends are doing, but it demands a radical mindset switch from me, in all aspects of the process.

Working online full time has also been challenging at first, due to inadequate tools .
However, the possibilities are enormous, the content creation is so much easier, ... and I am finally loving it.

Besides all that, our house has never felt more like a real home than now: finally appreciating the rooftop views, sharing games and movies, tasting lovely food, decorating, applauding, zooming, and living it fully.

4. Acting
I think this is the most important point of all.
Quoting Newton´s law: ¨For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.¨.
Once the new indoors routine has finally been accepted by my brains, I realize that I can also keep doing some good things from home ...
So, I have been reading, writing, recording, decorating, I have also created my own podcast channel, posted my short film: RIDE on You Tube, and updated this blog.
Remember: You/me/us are not alone in this.
Every one will learn from this experience, which needs to teach us some humble lessons of community, and specially of LOVE for our home, our family, our society, and our planet.
Take care, all of you.
Much love.